Corporate Speaker

Featured Topics

Understanding Yourself ~ Understanding Others

Do you want to understand yourself better, learn to live in your strengths, and improver your relationships? As a Personality Trainer and Communicator, Beverly will help you to discover and understand your personality based on the teachings of Marita Littauer and Florence Littauer. Wired That Way is an easy to understand, easy to-apply personality system. By discovering your unique personality, how you are “wired”, and characteristics of other personalities, your relationships will become stronger with friends, family, and coworkers.

Communication Skills

Do you want to build effective communication and leadership skills? Learn to use your knowledge of the Personalities to strengthen your communication with others.

Other Topics

Identity! Integrity! Influence!

Know who you are to make a difference in the lives around you.

Custom Message

While every speech Beverly gives is unique and tailored to her audience, she can also craft a message just for you. If you have a special subject, topic, or event, ask Beverly about customizing a key note address.